UFLI-ALIGNED Glows & Grows
GLOW | GROW | ||
Phonemic Awareness | [Student's name] can segment (break apart) words with up to [number] sounds. | [Student's name] needs more practice breaking apart (segmenting) words with [number] sounds. | |
Phonemic Awareness | [Student's name] easily blends 2 to 3 sounds together to make words. | [Student's name] struggles with blending sounds together to make words. | |
Letter Recognition and Sound Recall | [Student's name] recalls letter/sound relationships with ease. | [Student's name] is having difficulty with recognizing and recalling letters [names and/or sounds] consistently and would benefit from additional practice. | |
Letter Recognition and Sound Recall | When [Student's name] is asked to identify a letter and its corresponding sound, they are able to do so with automaticity. | When [student name] is presented with a letter, he/she is not able to consistently recall the sound it makes. | |
Letter Recognition and Sound Recall | [Student's name] can recognize and recall the sounds that each consonant and short vowel makes, furthering their phonics and decoding abilities. | It is a challenge for [Student's name] to recognize and recall the sounds that each consonant makes, which is crucial for improving their phonics and decoding abilities. | |
Letter Recognition and Sound Recall | [Student's name] has mastered the short [or long] vowel sounds of [a,i, o, u, e]. | [Student's name] needs more practice with the short [or long] vowel sounds of [a,i, o, u, e]. | |
Auditory | [Student's name] can hear a phoneme (e.g., /i/ or /w/), and write the corresponding letter. | When listening to phonemes, [Student's name] is not yet proficient in writing the corresponding letter. | |
Handwriting | [Student's name] uses proper letter formation. | [Student's name] is progressing in their ability to form letters, such as [enter letters]. More practice is needed for [letters]. | |
Handwriting | [Student's name] writes neatly with a proper pencil grip. | [Student's name] struggles to consistently form some letters, including __________. | |
Handwriting | [Student's name]'s consistent spacing and letter formation have shown great improvement. | [Student's name] needs further practice with consistent spacing and letter formation. | |
Decoding | [Student's name] is able to grasp newly introduced phonics concepts with ease. | [Student's name] needs support and reinforcement when learning new phonics patterns. | |
Decoding | [Student's name] can decode regularly spelled one-syllable words, showing their ability to apply letter-sound knowledge in reading. | [Student's name] struggles to decode regularly spelled one-syllable words, indicating a need for further decoding practice. | |
Decoding | [Student's name] is able to decode words that predictable patterns, including [enter phonics pattern of unit]. | [Student's name] needs more reinforcement in recognizing [digraphs, vowel teams, suffixes, etc.] such as [example]. | |
Decoding | [Student's name] is able to use word parts (e.g., prefixes/suffixes) to decode unfamiliar words. | [Student's name] would benefit from more practice reading words that follow [specific skill]. | |
Heart Words | [Student's name] recognized the regular and irregular parts of the heart words we are studying, such as [heart word examples]. | [Student's name] needs more practice with heart words, such as [enter heart word examples]. | |
Decoding Connected Texts | [Student's name] does wonderfully reading sentences and paragraphs that follow learned phonics patterns, such as [enter skills]. | [Student's name] struggles to read sentences fluently. | |
Decoding Connected Texts | [Student's name] is able to read sentences and paragraphs with limited support. | [Student's name] struggles to read paragraphs fluently. | |
Fluency | [Student's name] reading with proper accuracy, rate, and prosody. | [Student's name] would benefit from repeated readings of text to help with fluency. | |
Spelling/ Writing | [Student's name] is able to encode (spell) words following the learned patterns of [phonics pattern]. | [Student's name] struggles to consistently spell words following the learned patterns of [phonics pattern]. | |
Spelling/ Writing | [Student's name] can write a 4-6 word sentence that is dictated by the teacher. | [Student's name] needs more practice reading and writing words that follow [letters/phonics pattern]. | |
Spelling/ Writing | [Student's name] has internalized the phonics patterns of [unit] and is able to apply it to their writing. | We will continue to practice [phonics skill] in class to improve [Student's name]'s writing. |